Samuel Mena - El Salvador
Red Currants - Fresh Cedar - Pineapple Gummies
FARM: Finca La Galdamez
VARIETY: Pacamara
Samuel Mena's honey processed Pacamara is vibrant and juicy, but with enough spice and herbal notes to remain structured. The very first flavor that came to mind when we tasted this coffee was pineapple gummy bears. As the cup opened up we saw brown spice flavors come forward and herbal notes of cedar and tobacco leaf, almost like a fine cigar box. As it cooled, the sweetness rose with notes of elderflower and currants, then picked up a dried cranberry finish.
Honey processed Pacamara's have long been a favorite of ours and no place produces them quite as well as the Chalatenango region of El Salvador. Samuel Mena's farm, Finca La Galdamez, is no exception. His small farm is only the size of about four football fields, planted entirely with Pacamara. After harvesting his coffee, Samuel allows it to dry very slowly over 25-30 days on raised beds. While honey processing has the potential to overshadow the coffees natural characteristics, we found that slower drying times contribute greatly to clarity, the very characteristic that made us love this offering.